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Guillermo Cides

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Guillermo Cides: When did we last meet?
Jim Lampi: I don't know, eight years ago

Guillermo Cides:
That's a lot of time. We should see each other more often. Because… I feel older, you know.
Jim Lampi: Yes, me too.

Guillermo Cides:
Now that I see you again, after all these years, I have the feeling that now you think more what notes to play.
Jim Lampi: Hopefully I think more. And also maybe that has to do with what we were talking about before. I try to be more of an audience for my own playing. If, at the best, you're relaxed and listening to yourself, and you would like to hear things that are in your mind… Maybe you're singing while you're playing… Just trying to… What was the question? (laughs) That's another thing about getting old. You can answer the same question twice! Every song is new every time because you keep forgetting. One of the best things I ever read was an interview with Carlos Santana. He's not an academic musician, but he used to record all his rehearsals. When you're practicing you can say: "This is me", "This isn't me". After he learned to play (he practiced and practiced), then he started to say: "I want to sound like me". So, I'd rather be musical than really, really good techniqically. I don't have that much time to practice. I want to succeed at life, which means I want music to be more musical or whatever it's supposed to be. If it's supposed to be emotional, I want it to be that; if it's supposed to be delicate, I want it to be that. Probably, technically, I'm not as good as I was ten years ago, when I met you, because I was practicing all the time; but maybe I was not as musical.

Guillermo Cides: Sound good...!
Jim Lampi: (whispering) Buy my CD… (laughs)

Guillermo Cides:
What do you think about musicians who divide in group themselves depending on the instrument they play?
Jim Lampi: (laughs) What was the question? (laugh...)

Guillermo Cides:
Por example, I play the bandoneón, so we all bandoneón players are together…
Jim Lampi: If you never played a bandoneón, then you are missing something. And life's too short. Life's too short to play that game...
(Historic moment in the Seminar:
Lampi, Vidal, Baggerman and Cides playing other instruments...)

Guillermo Cides:
Are you are playing with John Martin at present?
Jim Lampi: Maybe… John's a bit ill at the moment.

Guillermo Cides:
But you were…
Jim Lampi: Yes, on and off over the last five years.

Guillermo Cides:
Is it an interesting experience for you to play with other musicians, or in a band; or do you see it more like a job?
Jim Lampi: I don't think I've ever really played with people that I didn't like their music. I mayhave done a job... But, I think, hopefully, I've never felt that compromised. John's got great songs, a great voice, all the musicians are better than me, so I've learned a lot. I was never a bass player, so I've learned to be a bass player and I got to play with great bass players. John Giblin is one of the best bass players. He's played with everyone. He was the bass player when there was a bass player. He's played with Brand X. I can occasionally forget what I'm doing because I'm watching his bass parts. The keyboard player is a great keyboard player, very interested in the detail, so he makes me more interested in the details. He's the one on my album, on my new CD, (whispering) which you can buy… (laughs)
Personally, also, I'd have wished I could have played with more people. There is a difference between playing with people you really like their playing and playing with people that you're playing with just because they are there.

Guillermo Cides: Is your latest record is more one of a composer than one of a Stick player?
Jim Lampi: Yes. I've already made the Stick album, where I'm exploring the Stick. My first album was very much about different ways of playing. Even this album is exploring a way of playing. But I think originally I chose the Stick because I wanted to compose and at that time, and traditionally, the best instrument to compose is the piano. The Stick is the only compositional instrument that can almost compete with piano. Other instruments are wonderful instruments but very difficult to compete in terms of polychordal, polyrythmic ideas ofcomposition in the way you can compose with the Stick.
In this album I was getting more control over the ability to record and I'm more interested in making recordings than just playing. So, I was actually making a CD and part of the idea was of a group I'd like to have or be part of. I wanted it to be an album with friends and people that I like their playing.
I was as a composer writing for a specific kind of group. In my head, this time, my bass hand was going to be basically more of a bass player sound. So, in a sense, I was thinking as the Stick as two different parts. In my first album I was thinking more pianistically. This time I was thinking the bass hand had to sound independent from the right hand.

Guillermo Cides: Is your latest record is more one of a composer than one of a Stick player?
Jim Lampi: Yes. I've already made the Stick album, where I'm exploring the Stick. My first album was very much about different ways of playing. Even this album is exploring a way of playing. But I think originally I chose the Stick because I wanted to compose and at that time, and traditionally, the best instrument to compose is the piano. The Stick is the only compositional instrument that can almost compete with piano. Other instruments are wonderful instruments but very difficult to compete in terms of polychordal, polyrythmic ideas ofcomposition in the way you can compose with the Stick.
In this album I was getting more control over the ability to record and I'm more interested in making recordings than just playing. So, I was actually making a CD and part of the idea was of a group I'd like to have or be part of. I wanted it to be an album with friends and people that I like their playing.
I was as a composer writing for a specific kind of group. In my head, this time, my bass hand was going to be basically more of a bass player sound. So, in a sense, I was thinking as the Stick as two different parts. In my first album I was thinking more pianistically. This time I was thinking the bass hand had to sound independent from the right hand. uillermo

Guillermo Cides: What is Lampi Media?
Jim Lampi: Lampi Mediaï is a subversive group of terroristsï (laughs)
Lampi Media is just a name I was using. It's pretty boringï I'm hunting for a better one, but I needed a name just for the website. I do artwork in multimedia and digital art.

Guillermo Cides: What was your impression of this seminar in Spain?
Jim Lampi: It's been a wonderful week. I'm not joking now, buy my recordï It's been a great week. AS it is, right now we're standing in a Zen forest, with perfectly lined up pine trees and there's a garden in which you mast work everyday, in which you have already grown the fruit and crops to support the place and it's been music, music, musicï it's been warm weather, which I hadn't seen for a yearï There's a swimming pool, in which I swim three times a day. I'm actually a bit browner than when I came hereï The musicians have been great, the San Juan Party was magic.. I got to be part of a human castleï I'm actually living life, that's what it is all aboutï And got to play great music and the concerts were greatï And I want to come back.

Guillermo Cides: Thank you Jim.


Jim Lampi
por Guillermo Cides

Version en castellano

Guillermo Cides: ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que nos vimos?
Jim Lampi: No sé, hace ocho años

Guillermo Cides:
Eso es mucho tiempo. Deberíamos vernos más a menudo. Porque, me siento más viejo, tú sabes.
Jim Lampi: Sí, yo también.

Guillermo Cides:
Ahora que te veo de nuevo, después de todos estos años, tengo la sensación al escucharte de que ahora piensas más que notas tocar.
Jim Lampi: Afortunadamente pienso más. Y también quizá eso tiene que ver con lo que estabamos hablando antes. Iintento ser más un público de mi propia ejecución.
Si, a lo mejor, estás relajado y escuchándote a tí mismo, y te gustaría oír las cosas que están en tu mente. Quizás estes cantando mientras estás tocando. Simplemente intentandolo. ¿Cuál era la pregunta? (risas) Ésa es otra cosa acerca de envejecer. ¡Puedes contestar la misma pregunta dos veces! Cada canción es nueva cada vez porque tienes olvidada. Una de las cosas más buenas que leí en mi vida fue una entrevista a Carlos Santana. Él no es un músico académico, pero acostumbraba a grabar todos sus ensayos. Cuando estás practicando puedes decir: "Éste soy yo", "Éste no soy yo". Después de que aprendió a tocar (...practicó y practicó), entonces empezó a decir: "Quiero sonar como yo mismo."
Por lo tanto, preferiría ser musical, antes que muy bueno tecnicamente. No tengo mucho tiempo para practicar. Quiero tener éxito en la vida, lo que significa que quiero que la música sea más musical o cualquier cosa que se supone que sea. Si se supone que sea emocional, quiero que sea eso; si se supone que sea delicada, quiero que sea eso. Probablemente, técnicamente, no soy tan bueno como era hace diez años, cuando te conocí, porque estaba practicando todo el tiempo; pero quizá no era tan musical.

Guillermo Cides: Suena bien...!
Jim Lampi: (susurrando) Compra mi CD... (risas)

Guillermo Cides:
Qué piensas sobre los músicos que se dividen, o se agrupan dependiendo del instrumento que tocan?
Jim Lampi: (risas) Cúal era la pregunta? (risas)

Guillermo Cides:
Por ejemplo, si yo toco el bandoneón, entonces todos los bandoneonistas estamos juntos.
Jim Lampi:
Si nunca tocaste un bandoneón, entonces te estás perdiendo algo, y la vida es demasiado corta.
La vida es demasiado corta para jugar ese juego.

Guillermo Cides: ¿Estás tocando en la actualidad con John Martin?
Jim Lampi: Quizás. John está un poco enfermo en este momento.

Guillermo Cides:
Pero tocabas?
Jim Lampi: Sí, de vez en cuando durante los últimos cinco años.

Guillermo Cides:
Es una experiencia interesante para ti tocar con otros músicos, o en una banda; o lo ves más como un trabajo?
Jim Lampi: No pienso que haya tocado en la vida realmente con personas que no me gustaba su música. Puedo haber hecho un trabajo... Pero pienso, afortunadamente, que nunca sentí ese compromiso. John ha conseguido grandes canciones, una gran voz, todos los músicos son mejores que yo, por lo que he aprendido mucho. Yo nunca fui un bajista, por lo que he aprendido a ser un bajista y conseguí tocar con grandes bajistas. John Giblin es uno de los mejores bajistas. Ha tocado con todos. Era el bajista cuando había un bajista. Ha tocado con Brand X. Puedo olvidarme de vez en cuando de lo que estoy haciendo porque estoy mirando sus partes de bajo. El tecladista es un gran tecladista, muy interesado en el detalle, y él me hace más interesado en los detalles. Está en mi álbum, en mi nuevo CD, (susurrando) qué puedes comprar... (risas).
Personalmente, también habría deseado poder tocar con más personas.
Hay una diferencia entre tocar realmente con personas que te gusta su forma de tocar, y tocar con personas con las que tocas sólo porque ellos están allí.

Guillermo Cides: Tú último disco es más de un compositor que de un Stickista?
Jim Lampi: Sí. Ya he hecho el álbum del Stick, donde estoy explorando el Stick. Mi primer álbum fue mucho sobre las maneras diferentes de tocar. Incluso este álbum está explorando una manera de tocar. Pero pienso originalmente que escogí el Stick porque quise componer y en ese momento, y tradicionalmente, el mejor instrumento para componer era el piano. El Stick es el único instrumento de composición que casi puede competir con el piano. Otros instrumentos son instrumentos maravillosos, pero es muy difícil competir en términos de ideas poliacordes y poliritmicas de composición de la manera que puedes componer con el Stick.
En este álbum quise lograr un mayor control sobre la habilidad de grabar y estuve más interesado en hacer grabaciones que solo en tocar. Por que, realmente estaba haciendo un CD y parte de la idea era la de un grupo que me gustarían tener o ser parte de. Quise que fuese un álbum con amigos y personas que me gusta como tocan.
Yo era como un compositor que escribe para un tipo específico de grupo. En mi cabeza, esta vez, mi mano del bajo iba a ser básicamente más como el sonido de un bajista.
Por lo que, en cierto sentido, estaba pensando en el Stick como dos partes diferentes. En mi primer álbum estaba pensando más pianisticamente. Esta vez estaba pensando que la mano del bajo tenía que sonar independiente de la mano derecha.

Guillermo Cides: ¿Qué es Lampi Media?
Jim Lampi: Lampi Media. es un grupo subversivo de terroristas. (risas)
Lampi Media es sólo un nombre que estuve usando. Es bastante aburrido. Estoy buscando uno mejor, pero necesitaba un nombre para el website. Hago obras de arte en multimedios y arte digital.

Guillermo Cides: ¿Cuál fue tú impresión de este seminario en España?
Jim Lampi:Ha sido una semana maravillosa. No estoy hablando en broma ahora... compre mi disco. Ha sido una gran semana. Como lo es, ahora mismo estamos parados un bosque Zen, con árboles de pino
absolutamente alineados, y hay un jardín en el que debes trabajar todos los días, en el que ya has hecho crecer la fruta y la cosechas para mantener el lugar y ha sido música, música, música. Ha hecho un tiempo caluroso, que yo no había visto durante un año. Hay una piscina, en la que nado tres veces por día. Realmente estoy un poco más moreno que cuando vine aquí!. Los músicos han sido grandes, la Fiesta de San Juan fue mágica... conseguí ser parte de un castillo humano... realmente estoy viviendo la vida, de eso se trata todo.
Conseguí tocar una gran música y los conciertos fueron grandes. Si, quiero regresar aqui.

Guillermo Cides: Gracias Jim.

Jim Lampi official Web Page

The Stick Center thanks Jim Lampi's collaboration for this interview.
Traducción:Matias Betti.

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